Friday, December 31, 2010


BWAHAHA I knew that wasn't just an ordinary book he carries around!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I wish I could make comment on this...

Hetalia-YOUR birthday party! by Ashleyybear
Arrived first
got you what you always wanted
Kissed you during spin the bottle
Sang like an idoit during rockband
Challenged you in rockband
you..won, and rubbed it in their face
Stole your wallet :c (Randomiknorite)
you...Chased them but then tripped on your face
Laughed at you
Hugged you at the end
Kissed you at the end (LotsofkissingXD)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Another thing...

Yeah, so right now, I am currently in love with Vocaloid.  I mean, it's like WAY too awesome.  So I found this video on YouTube that was apparently a newscast about the Vocaloid software and stuff.
A lot of people in the comments were fighting (as usual) about if Vocaloid was "stupid" or not.  One of the comments said:
 I think Vocaloid is what the world needs. Think about it, these days all the singers on the radio only sing about their girl, or how much they love their guy and all that stuff, but Miku and the other Vocaloids sing about life, growing up, miracles, hearts, emotions, sadness, happiness, mistakes, regrets, and most of their songs tell amazing stories. They can't get drunk, they can't take vanity pics, they can't shoot people. They're here for us to remember what music really is.

And I do think that this true.  I have actually been thinking about it lately, and I really am getting sick of all these lust and break up songs that are around now.  Vocaloid is seriously what we need!

Better respect it.

Sorry I haven't blogged in while...

I hope all of you had happy holidays!  I sure did! :3

But more importantly (somewhat) is the fact that TODAY IS KAGAMINE RIN AND LEN'S (APPEND) BIRTHDAY!

It's been three years since Kagamine Rin and Len were released.  Yep, it was December 27th, 2007 that they first came out!  Ah!  I'm so excited!  But I seriously wonder if anyone has done Kagamine Rin and Len append cosplay... I wanna go check... As far as I'm concerned, I don't think anyone has... but that's okay because the append outfit looks really complicated! Yeah.... I'm like way obsessed with them right now.  I really, really, really, really, really, really want to cosplay as Rin......

But I am currently planning on cosplaying as~
I also would really like to cosplay as him, too.  Yes, that's a guy.  But how long are we really gonna believe that? ;)

Yeah... My friend Re-chan wants to be Russia.  So... YAOI PAIRINGS FOR US MWAHA!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I'm in picture. :3

Yush, Riku, I'm pointing at YOU.

This was taken at Youmacon 2010, which was held at the Detroit Renaissance Center by PicturesofGrandma on deviantart.  For sho.
Riku, the only freaking Riku I saw ALL DAY at Youmacon is DarkBlueMidnight on devinatart.  These guys are just so cool~!  And do you see?  Riku's eyebrows are even silver!  Such a good cosplay~! <3  Riku's sign says, "Hug a Riku!  (You know you want to.)"  It's funny, because we both had signs. :3

Oh, and my hair looks weird because by that point a Youmacon, my hair started to fail... Gah, I need a wig. Dx  And my pose fails too, because I was trying to kind of point at Riku like, "HA!" but Riku is tall and I am short.... So it didn't work out quite well.  Heh heh.

And my friend Rexlan is "accidently" showing off her Axel poster in the background.  Great going, Rexlan.

WHOA!  I SWEAR TO GOD THERE IS A JAPAN COSPLAYER IN THE WAY BACK!  I SWEAR!  But I could just be imagining things.  Neh, I don't know.

But STILL!  I found somebody I met a Youmacon!  YAY!!!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


If you are a Hetalia fan, you MUST check out this website.  Seriously.


Friday, December 3, 2010


Yep.  That's the yaoi I drew.  Hur hur.  It's AkuRoku.  My drawing skillz were failing when I did this... their heads are huge.


Anyway, another thing.

I found more anime that I like. :3

Yes... Death Note and Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler.  Death Note has been popular for several years now, so I decided to check the DVD out from my local library.  I've only seen the first 4 episodes, but so far, it's really good!  The plot is awesome~!

Kuroshitsuji, or in English, Black Butler, is good, also (There were waaaay too many comas in that sentence).  I've only watched up to the middle of the 3rd episode... yeah... because I fail like that.

Watch these animes if you get a chance, because they are good!  I'm still also watching Hetalia: World Series.  Which is also very good.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Random Hetalia quiz that I took

Hetalia Family Generator by Chizune_Miahara
Favorite Character
Your Papa:
Your Mama:
Your Little Sibling
Your Older Sibling
Your Best Friend
Your Lover
Your Cousin
Your Enemy
Your Hero
Your Future Spouse
Your Stalker

Friday, November 12, 2010

Yanno anime?

So...  I've got new cosplay idea in my head.

You see these two cute children?  Well, I have a brother who just so happens to look like me.  Why am I telling you this?  BECAUSE WE CAN COSPLAY AS THOSE TWINS TOGETHER. :3

Now, I've asked my brother, and he isn't sure if he wants to cosplay as the boy, Len, yet.  I defiantly want to be the girl, Rin.  Just 'cuz she's FREAKING ADORABLE.  So is the boy.  They're from a... well, I can't exactly sat it's an anime, because they aren't really from an anime.  They do happen to be in a manga called Hatsune Mix, however.  See, there is this Japanese electric voice system, in which you can make words and pitches into a voice.  These anime-type characters advertise the different voices.  And they're cute. Really cute.

My brother and I are pretty much the same height, although he is two years younger than me.  My eyes are blue-grayish, and his are sort of greenish.  Our hair is the same color, and our voices are kind of the same in pitch, but mine is higher (obviously).  I don't really know if a brother and sister have even cosplayed together as Rin and Len.  If we were the first, that would be epicly awesome.  I'm serious.

That's all for now...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I like Late Night.

Today, I took a little trip to Gamestop and picked up Late Night. :3


And  made this girlie, who's called Belle Sutrace (I got creative with the last name).  I'm working on turning her into a vampire, but so far I haven't got any luck.  She did met one vampire, though.  His name was William Fangmann, but their relationship hardly went anywhere.

It's probably because she embarassed herself in public...

See, the first night she spent in Bridgeport, Belle headed off to a club where she danced and had fun for a while.  And this big celebrity dude stormed in and danced on the tables. O.o  She impressed him by bragging about her wealth (which she actually had) then lying about having awesome guitar skills when she had never touched a guitar in all of her life.  Belle hadn't even played the bass that was at her home yet.  The celebrity was impressed, and she earned a celebrity star thingy...

Then the next night, she went to a V.I.P. club and bribed the bouncer into letting her in.  Right before she entered the buidling, she peed herself.  Yeah.  And a dumb paprazzi came and reported about it, then she became "Pubicly Disgraced".  Argh.

Anyway, I still like Late Night.  Bridgeport is beautiful, especially if your sims lives in a penthouse.  The view is amazing!  Seriously!

And in case you couldn't tell before, her eyes are very orange.  I tried to make them as un-Twilight as I possibly could, but I think I failed a little...  Yes, I'm aware that I suck.  >_<

Late Night is cool, in my opinion.  It's totally worth the money, and uninstalling the non-default skins.  Trust me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A picture of me at Youmacon

That be moi. :3

I realize that the bag is on the WRONG SIDE, but I could care less... 

I made the sign.

Uh-huh, 'cuz I'm cool like that.

My friend took the picture, I am cosplaying as Kairi, and I made the sign.  You all know where I got the coustume from.  Don't you?  If not, look back a few posts.

Like I said before, Youmacon was freakin' epic sauce.  And I want to go to it next year... badly.  I'm also supposedly going to Shouta Con and Colassalcon next year.  Techinically this year, but Shouta Con is in March and Colassalcon is in June.  So... 2011. 

On to another subject.


Yep.  My friend and I are are now having yaoi wars, meaning that we draw each other's Kingdom Hearts character's boyfriend with a yaoi pairing.  It all started after she drew this lovely picture.

Yeah... I can't yet the picture to actually... be a picture because blogger is failing today or something.  Or maybe blogger doesn't like yaoi.

Now, I don't really like yaoi myself, but since my friend has declared herself a yaoi fangirl and has drawn yaoi of MY Sora.... Well....


So... I'm working on an AkuRoku (Axel+Roxas) yaoi at the moment.  Hopefully you guys will see it eventually.  I've been looking at random mangas that I found at my local library that have people kissing in them.  Since I kind of SUCK at drawing people kissing, I'm going to do a yaoi of Axel and Roxas almost kissing.  It'll work.  I hope.

I'm doing an AkuRoku because my friend's Kingdom Hearts character is paired with Axel.  I want to piss her off be doing so.  Yay. 

By the by, I have linkage for you guys. :D  That is my DeviantART. 

 DeviantART is awesome, if you don't know already.  I just got started about 2 weeks ago, and I haven't actually got anything scanned that I've drawn yet.  All I gave drawing-wise is a stupid doodle and a random thing... All the others are pictures. 

I'd love it if you could check it out. :3  Please?  For me?  I'll be your best friend...

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I just got back from Youmacon!  It was soooo cool!  I'll have pictures from the con soon. 

The main video games/manga/anime I saw there were:

-Naruto (TONS of Naruto cosplay)
-Kingdom Hearts
-Hetalia: Axis Powers (Note to self: watch this anime...)
-The Legend of Zelda
-Super Mario (And characters of such)
-Pokemon (They were so cute!)
-Vampire Nights (I think...?)
-Ouran High School Host Club
-Sailor Moon

Yep.  They're were more but I can't think of them right now.  And those were just the main ones.  The convention was epicly awesome.  But I left early so, as I type this, people are STILL at Youmacon.  This upsets me.  I wish we could have stayed till it was over, but we couldn't 'cuz my friend has to go a party.  And the drive didn't take as long as I thought it would.

On a site note- I GOT A NEW CAT!  She's a rescue cat.  When she was found, she was malnurished and pregant.  The vets took care of the cat, gave her kittens a home, and spayed her.  The cat also had a tumor, which was removed.  She is a long-haired calico tortishell five-year-old.  I adore her.  She's so beautiful and soft.  However, her ear has a huge cut in it from being attacked by another cat in the wild.  She's also got a scar on her tummy from the tumor being removed.  My family has not yet decided on a name for her.  We just got her today.

This was one of the best days of my life.  Srsly.

Another cool thing, before I left Youmacon, I heard the people talking about that whole, "The game" thing.

One of them shouted, "THE GAME!"

And I'm like, "YOU JUST LOST IT!"

They laughed.  It was cool.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I am SOOOO ready for Youmacon!

So today my school had it's dress-up-for-Halloween thingie.  It was fun, but practically nobody knew who I was.  Which I sad, but I don't really mind.  Hopefully, people won't have to ask me at Youmacon. 

Oh, and at school, we had drill-mania.  What I mean by that is we had to go outside in the 40 degree weather and do fire drills.  And not just one or two drills, oh no.  We had FOUR drills today.  It was freezing!  During the first fire drill we had, which was second hour, I didn't have a jacket so I was freezing my butt off!  I did go and grab my jacket before the second fire drill, however.  According to my school dress code, I had to wear leggings and t-shirt under my coustume for it to meet the dress code requirements.  My coustume looked like crap in addition to the black t-shirt I was wearing under my coustume.  Argh.

Anywhatever, Late Night.  I still have it pre-ordered and shiz.  I will hopefully pick it up over the weekend.  Yay.  It's seems pretty epic. 


Love it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Schudule for This Week

MONDAY: Blah... Just a normal day.  I have religious school (Catecism) after school... grrr... So glad Monday is over!

TUESDAY: Late Night: The Sims 3 comes out!  YAYZ!  What simmer isn't looking forward to this expansion pack!?  And the Rocky Horror Show episode of Glee premieres tonight!

WESNESDAY: Nothing... absolutely nothing interesting happens today. 

THURSDAY: While I sit in a boring classroom, a ton of cosplayers head over to Youmacon!  It's not fair... T_T  Youmacon starts today.

FRIDAY: Half day of school!  WHOO HOO!  Today is the day my school let's us dress up for Halloween!  Also, Youmacon continues.  I'm hoping that I'll be able to sleep over at my friend's (My friend's blog. It's not a simmer blog.) house so that we can get up early to go to Youmacon on Saturday.  My little brother's school is doing this thing called the Enchanted Hike, where the fourth graders put up themed stations and pass out candy in the woods next to the school.  Then at the end, all the kids that pass through get to pick out which station they thought was they best.  Then whatever station wins gets a special lunch or something.  For example, when I was in the Enchanted Hike, my station was Harry Potter themed.  We tied for third place. xD

SATURDAY: One of the epicest day of this week!  I get to go to Youmacon (a cosplay convention) with one of my besties!  Hopefully, I can sleep over at her house on Friday night, so then we can wake up at, like, 5:30 (UGH!) so we can get to Youmacon on time.  We're a while away from the place where Youmacon is being held.  I want to get there on time. >_<  I'm cosplaying as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts II (but y'all knew that already).  My friend is Lieutenant Kusajika Yuchiru from Bleach.  We actually have to meet a few people there that we've talked to over the internetz... Hehehe.  One of my other friends is also having a pre-Halloween party later in the night, so I'm also going to that.  Yep, so pretty exciting day altogether!

SUNDAY: It's Halloween, dur-to-dur!  I'm still dressing as Kairi, yanno.  I'm probably picking up Late Night today, since I definetly won't be picking it up during the week. xDxDxD

I'm looking forward to this week, I really am!  Look out for Youmacon pictures!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Update on Cosplay

Yay!  My cosplay finally came!

It's really great, I love it.  It's rather short, but that's the point.  The character in the game, Kairi, has a verry short dress.  I'm wearing shorts under it, mind you.

I'm also going to an actual Cosplay Convetion next week, the day before Halloween.  My friend is going too, as Yuchiru Kusajishi from Bleach.  We're both pretty dang excited about this!  I'm sure we'll have tons of fun.  I'll take some pictures of my favorite coustumes and post them here.  Look out for those.

Since Halloween is coming up soon, I leave you with some pictures.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  Go scare the crap out of some little children!  Just kidding, please don't do that... -_-'

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Well, fine!

Miccoustumes emailed me about me cousutme.  Okay, I emalied them and asked about the coustume, but whatever, same difference!

My email:
"Does this costume come with the bracelet and anklet? I was wondering because other sites that had this costume said the bracelet comes with it. In the picture, there appears to be a anklet and a bracelet. Does that come with the outfit?"

Their reply:

The bracelet and anklet are not included.

The costumes we offered do not include the accessories.

If you have any questions, please contact us either by emails or live support online.

Best regards,


Customer service dept."
Um... Jeez, is it just me, or does this sound really.... blunt and cold?
I think it does.
And why do they have to seperate each sentence and not just make it one paragraph? (That's just me being picky, though.)
That makes it sound even colder yet..
See what I'm doing here?
The exact same thing that they did with the spaced-out sentences.
That's what they get!
Now I'll go email them about the pouch thing.
P.S. Sorry that my posts haven't been sim related lately, but I'll make a sim related one soon... I've been really obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and I didn't feel like playing The Sims.
P.P.S. A pictureless post?!  Oh noez!
It's such a fat squirel!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Brick By Boring Brick

Hmm.. Well...

You guys have heard of Paramore, right?

If you haven't, search them on YouTube.  Their really good.  Really.  Good.

So I was watching a video of their's called Brick By Boring Brick.

The link is here:

I used to think the video was morbid, but now I've seen a comment and it's shed a new light on my view to this particular music video.

"I feel like that's on the right track, in my opinion. There are many ways to look at this video/song, of course. Perhaps this is about how, in childhood, people tend to live in a fairy tale (or naivety), but as you get older and learn more, that innocence is lost to the reality of cruelty and it's existence in the world. Thus, the little girl doesn't die, just her innocence. Subsequently, Hayley would represent the girl after the realization of the truth. Just my take on it."

And that's really true, I think.  Normally I wouldn't think that about a video just because I hate doing "readers comprehension" or whatever. Then I saw another comment which was basically the same as above:

"People said that the 'unburying' of the castle was saying that hayley wants to go back to that place of innocence. However I think of it this way: 'if it's real you can see it with your eyes, even in the dark... and that's where I want to be' - she's saying that she can't live in that fantasy land anymore, she knows she needs to live in the real world. Josh is digging 'a big hole to bury the castle' - the little girl falling in and Hayley dropping the doll in is her letting go of the fantasy."

Well this is kind of a random post... I love Paramore, but I just didn't like the video 'cause I thought the little girl fell and hurt herself and the lead singer, Hayley, or the digger, Josh, didn't care.  But I get it now...

Eh.  I'll just leave nao...

My Halloween costume!


This is my Halloween costume

Isn't it cute?  It's a cosplay!

Do you know who it is?  Most of you probably won't...

It's Kairi from Kingdom Hearts II!

....still not ringing any bells?

Look it up...

But it was really expensive for a Halloween costume, but cheap for a cosplay.  Cosplays are just really, really costly.  Like, srsly.  This outfit was $75.99... ARGH.

But I wonder if...
1. the bag attached to the dress has functioning pocket.
2. the outfit comes with that bracelet.
3. the outfit comes with those cute little anklets! >_<

I don't know about the bag or the anklets, but I was on a different cosplay website where the bracelet came with the dress.  So hopefully I'll get the anklets and the bracelet!  That would make me very happy!  And if the bag isn't really a bag, well, I'll say, "Wow... that's pointless..", but I won't get upset, you know?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

In reply to, "Ain't I funny?"

My friend sent me a message back about the previous post!

Me: Hey larxene!!

LARXENE: wut......?

ME: Axel is mine now..


*cat fight*

ME: *pulls out Koga * (*Lexene's sword)


LARXENE: nooooooo!!

Me: *cuts off her head*


Axel: * shrugs * Larxene was a *bleep* anyway...

Me: come on Axel!

Axel: in bed?!?!

Me: NO!!!!!!! not now maybe later........

*Lexene is a werewolf character that my friend created.

Man, I love my friends.

Ain't I funny?

My friend sent me a video via email:

It's pretty funny, but I don't think most of you will understand it.  It's about Kingdom Hearts.  After seeing this video, I said, "That.  Was.  HILARIOUS!  Though why are Roxas and Axel, like, gay?!  Seriously!  And where the heck is Xion in all of this?"

And my friend said, "I think she killed her self cuz she wanted Roxas....."

So I sent this back (Warning: It's sort of "mature", not really, though) :

Awe! But I wanted Xion and Roxas to be together! >_<

Me: *glares at Axel* Screw you. You runied my fantasy.

Axel: *sulks in a corner, eating a popsicle*

Me: Why do you always eat freaking popsicles?! You're gonna get fat!

Roxas: Hey, don't talk to my bed buddy like that!

Me: Go fudge yourself, Roxas. Or better yet, go rape Mickey.

Roxas: T_T

Me: Yeah, that's right!

Roxas: I hate you...

Me: Aw, me too! NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!

Roxas: *runs away*

Axel: You know, you're kind of mean.

Me: Why thank you! But I wouldn't be so mean if you guys were straight.

Axel: Are you homophobic or something?

Me: No, I just think that Roxas and Xion should be together. Where is Xion, anyway.

Axel: Probably in her room, cutting herself.

Me: Ugh! I'll go get her. This is my game, anyway. Man, I should've got Birth by Sleep instead of this crap...

Xion: *sobs*

Me: What's wrong, Xion?

Xion: Nothing, except for the fact that Roxas ripped out my heart and tore it to pieces!

Me: That's so cliche.

Xion: I know.. but it's true! I can't sleep anymore!

Me: Um... why?

Xion: Because I hear them moaning in the night!

Me: Who, the wolves?

Xion: No, Roxas and Axel.

Me: O.o

Xion: *shudders*

Me: Isn't it like pooping backwards?

Xion: I don't even want to know. I never asked.


Me: Well, this is still my DS game, and I'm gonna do what I want!

Xion: Does that mean you can hook me up with Roxas?

Me: Dang right!

Me & Xion: *high five*

Me: Roxas, you are in love with Xion, k?

Roxas: *eyes suddenly become glassy and blank* Yes, master.

Me: That's Lieutenat Butterfly, to you, peasant!

Roxas: Yes, Lieutenant Butterfly.

Me: *nods in approval*

Xion: Roxas?

Roxas: Oh, Xion! How could I have been so blind for all these 358/2 Days?

Xion: What is it, Roxas?

Roxas: I love you!

Xion: I love you, too!

Roxas & Xion: *kiss*

Me: Aw...

Axel: $#%&!

Me: Shuddup... Nobody likes you. Except for Larxene.

Axel: me?

Me: Uh, yeah. But I would get her fast. She's a little turned off by your, ahem, "relations" with Roxas.

Axel: Oh...

Axel: Larxene, could you forgive me for being with Roxas?

Larxene: Oh, how could could I stay mad at you, Axel?!

Axel & Larxene: *hug*

Me: *looks at everyone, smiling* My work here is done.
I think it was funny.. But, hey, maybe I'm just full of myself or something.
But if you really don'r understand this stuff, than, visit the Kingdom Hearts website to find out more info...
Eh, I probably just posted something that absolutely no one would understand.  Too bad.

Iz verreh happeh todae!

Guess what? 

I pre-ordered Late Night.  It's pretty epic.  I mean the game, not that fact that I pre-oreded it... But that's still cool!

Pictures: (Click to make them bigger, yo)

Epic, right?  I want it... SO.  BAD.  I mean, there is bands, vampires, hot tubs, night clubs, and BUBBLE MACHINES.  What could possibly be better?  Well, besides Pets and Seasons, but still.  This is the first thing I've ever pre-ordered, so it better be good!

On a different note, check out this website...  ....or else you will die.  Okay, probably not, but I wouldn't take the risk.  Just visit it.  It's like  without all the negative comments and crap.  Creative criticism only, people!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Third Post Today Lol

I found this at:

It's funny because I do that kind of stuff, too.  When I make cookies or something, I always grab a permenant marker and draw faces on the eggs.

Sim Preview: Ami Sato

This is a preview for an upcoming sim of mine.  She's in a sims modeling competition that I am currently.


That's your preview.  Now go away!

Ha ha!

Lookie what I found as someone's signature:

That's so cute and hilarious at the same time!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Peters Legacy

Do you guys remember when I uploaded Graia Peters?  Well, she had kids with one of the most ugliet sims in Twinbrook. Why are they all so ugly?  Jeez!  Anywho, she had twins. The first set of completely identical twins I have are freakin' ugly.  Great...

So decided to give one of my the twins, Hazel, plastic surgery.  She looks beautiful and she started a legacy-type thing.

 This is Hazel and her husband George.  Hazel was becoming an Adult at the time.
 These pictures are gonna be really out of order... But anyway, this is Sydney, the baby of the family.  She is the youngest of the triplets in the Peters family.
 Here is Kylie, my personal favorite of the triplets.  I just love her and I don't know why.  I guess it's because she's artsy and I like artsy people.  Kylie is the middle triplet.

Here is Ian (the brown-with-pink-streaks haired one) and Logan (the blonde one).  Ian is the firstborn child.  Logan is third born.  Ian happends to be my favorite boy!  I just want to burst through the computer screen and hug him to death!  He's so cute!
And this Maggie, the oldest of the triplets.  Maggie is gorgeous, as you can see.  Thought her nose bothers me for some reason... Meh, I dunno.
Dakota is my favorite girl of this generation.  Kylie is second favorite to me.  Dakota always had a special place in my heart, and I realized that when she was a child. 

I absolutely could not chose between Ian and Dakota, since they are my favorites. :)  So I decided I'd do something different and make them kinda both the heirs.  This is the part were you guys say, "Huh?  WTF?!"  I'm putting Dakota and Ian in the same house together, and they are free to find partners and have children.  They are allowed to have two children each.  But here's the catch; they aren't allowed to get married.  Well, not atleast until their parents pass away.  I know, I know, that's rather morbid, but that's the way things pan out.  If worse comes to worse, I'll move out George and Hazel and have their chosen spouses move in.

Next generation's heirs will be one of either Dakota or Ian's children.  All those kids are welcome to the heir vote!  I guess I'll post their traits and all that in another post- in which they have all grown up.  Ian, being the oldest, is already a Young Adult but I don't have him pictured as one.  But that's okay... right? 

I love the Peters family.