Saturday, October 16, 2010

Well, fine!

Miccoustumes emailed me about me cousutme.  Okay, I emalied them and asked about the coustume, but whatever, same difference!

My email:
"Does this costume come with the bracelet and anklet? I was wondering because other sites that had this costume said the bracelet comes with it. In the picture, there appears to be a anklet and a bracelet. Does that come with the outfit?"

Their reply:

The bracelet and anklet are not included.

The costumes we offered do not include the accessories.

If you have any questions, please contact us either by emails or live support online.

Best regards,


Customer service dept."
Um... Jeez, is it just me, or does this sound really.... blunt and cold?
I think it does.
And why do they have to seperate each sentence and not just make it one paragraph? (That's just me being picky, though.)
That makes it sound even colder yet..
See what I'm doing here?
The exact same thing that they did with the spaced-out sentences.
That's what they get!
Now I'll go email them about the pouch thing.
P.S. Sorry that my posts haven't been sim related lately, but I'll make a sim related one soon... I've been really obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and I didn't feel like playing The Sims.
P.P.S. A pictureless post?!  Oh noez!
It's such a fat squirel!

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