So... I've got new cosplay idea in my head.
You see these two cute children? Well, I have a brother who just so happens to look like me. Why am I telling you this? BECAUSE WE CAN COSPLAY AS THOSE TWINS TOGETHER. :3
Now, I've asked my brother, and he isn't sure if he wants to cosplay as the boy, Len, yet. I defiantly want to be the girl, Rin. Just 'cuz she's FREAKING ADORABLE. So is the boy. They're from a... well, I can't exactly sat it's an anime, because they aren't really from an anime. They do happen to be in a manga called Hatsune Mix, however. See, there is this Japanese electric voice system, in which you can make words and pitches into a voice. These anime-type characters advertise the different voices. And they're cute. Really cute.
My brother and I are pretty much the same height, although he is two years younger than me. My eyes are blue-grayish, and his are sort of greenish. Our hair is the same color, and our voices are kind of the same in pitch, but mine is higher (obviously). I don't really know if a brother and sister have even cosplayed together as Rin and Len. If we were the first, that would be epicly awesome. I'm serious.
That's all for now...
Aw, that would be awesome if you and your brother were them! They're so cute!