Friday, November 12, 2010

Yanno anime?

So...  I've got new cosplay idea in my head.

You see these two cute children?  Well, I have a brother who just so happens to look like me.  Why am I telling you this?  BECAUSE WE CAN COSPLAY AS THOSE TWINS TOGETHER. :3

Now, I've asked my brother, and he isn't sure if he wants to cosplay as the boy, Len, yet.  I defiantly want to be the girl, Rin.  Just 'cuz she's FREAKING ADORABLE.  So is the boy.  They're from a... well, I can't exactly sat it's an anime, because they aren't really from an anime.  They do happen to be in a manga called Hatsune Mix, however.  See, there is this Japanese electric voice system, in which you can make words and pitches into a voice.  These anime-type characters advertise the different voices.  And they're cute. Really cute.

My brother and I are pretty much the same height, although he is two years younger than me.  My eyes are blue-grayish, and his are sort of greenish.  Our hair is the same color, and our voices are kind of the same in pitch, but mine is higher (obviously).  I don't really know if a brother and sister have even cosplayed together as Rin and Len.  If we were the first, that would be epicly awesome.  I'm serious.

That's all for now...

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that would be awesome if you and your brother were them! They're so cute!
