Saturday, November 27, 2010

Random Hetalia quiz that I took

Hetalia Family Generator by Chizune_Miahara
Favorite Character
Your Papa:
Your Mama:
Your Little Sibling
Your Older Sibling
Your Best Friend
Your Lover
Your Cousin
Your Enemy
Your Hero
Your Future Spouse
Your Stalker

Friday, November 12, 2010

Yanno anime?

So...  I've got new cosplay idea in my head.

You see these two cute children?  Well, I have a brother who just so happens to look like me.  Why am I telling you this?  BECAUSE WE CAN COSPLAY AS THOSE TWINS TOGETHER. :3

Now, I've asked my brother, and he isn't sure if he wants to cosplay as the boy, Len, yet.  I defiantly want to be the girl, Rin.  Just 'cuz she's FREAKING ADORABLE.  So is the boy.  They're from a... well, I can't exactly sat it's an anime, because they aren't really from an anime.  They do happen to be in a manga called Hatsune Mix, however.  See, there is this Japanese electric voice system, in which you can make words and pitches into a voice.  These anime-type characters advertise the different voices.  And they're cute. Really cute.

My brother and I are pretty much the same height, although he is two years younger than me.  My eyes are blue-grayish, and his are sort of greenish.  Our hair is the same color, and our voices are kind of the same in pitch, but mine is higher (obviously).  I don't really know if a brother and sister have even cosplayed together as Rin and Len.  If we were the first, that would be epicly awesome.  I'm serious.

That's all for now...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I like Late Night.

Today, I took a little trip to Gamestop and picked up Late Night. :3


And  made this girlie, who's called Belle Sutrace (I got creative with the last name).  I'm working on turning her into a vampire, but so far I haven't got any luck.  She did met one vampire, though.  His name was William Fangmann, but their relationship hardly went anywhere.

It's probably because she embarassed herself in public...

See, the first night she spent in Bridgeport, Belle headed off to a club where she danced and had fun for a while.  And this big celebrity dude stormed in and danced on the tables. O.o  She impressed him by bragging about her wealth (which she actually had) then lying about having awesome guitar skills when she had never touched a guitar in all of her life.  Belle hadn't even played the bass that was at her home yet.  The celebrity was impressed, and she earned a celebrity star thingy...

Then the next night, she went to a V.I.P. club and bribed the bouncer into letting her in.  Right before she entered the buidling, she peed herself.  Yeah.  And a dumb paprazzi came and reported about it, then she became "Pubicly Disgraced".  Argh.

Anyway, I still like Late Night.  Bridgeport is beautiful, especially if your sims lives in a penthouse.  The view is amazing!  Seriously!

And in case you couldn't tell before, her eyes are very orange.  I tried to make them as un-Twilight as I possibly could, but I think I failed a little...  Yes, I'm aware that I suck.  >_<

Late Night is cool, in my opinion.  It's totally worth the money, and uninstalling the non-default skins.  Trust me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A picture of me at Youmacon

That be moi. :3

I realize that the bag is on the WRONG SIDE, but I could care less... 

I made the sign.

Uh-huh, 'cuz I'm cool like that.

My friend took the picture, I am cosplaying as Kairi, and I made the sign.  You all know where I got the coustume from.  Don't you?  If not, look back a few posts.

Like I said before, Youmacon was freakin' epic sauce.  And I want to go to it next year... badly.  I'm also supposedly going to Shouta Con and Colassalcon next year.  Techinically this year, but Shouta Con is in March and Colassalcon is in June.  So... 2011. 

On to another subject.


Yep.  My friend and I are are now having yaoi wars, meaning that we draw each other's Kingdom Hearts character's boyfriend with a yaoi pairing.  It all started after she drew this lovely picture.

Yeah... I can't yet the picture to actually... be a picture because blogger is failing today or something.  Or maybe blogger doesn't like yaoi.

Now, I don't really like yaoi myself, but since my friend has declared herself a yaoi fangirl and has drawn yaoi of MY Sora.... Well....


So... I'm working on an AkuRoku (Axel+Roxas) yaoi at the moment.  Hopefully you guys will see it eventually.  I've been looking at random mangas that I found at my local library that have people kissing in them.  Since I kind of SUCK at drawing people kissing, I'm going to do a yaoi of Axel and Roxas almost kissing.  It'll work.  I hope.

I'm doing an AkuRoku because my friend's Kingdom Hearts character is paired with Axel.  I want to piss her off be doing so.  Yay. 

By the by, I have linkage for you guys. :D  That is my DeviantART. 

 DeviantART is awesome, if you don't know already.  I just got started about 2 weeks ago, and I haven't actually got anything scanned that I've drawn yet.  All I gave drawing-wise is a stupid doodle and a random thing... All the others are pictures. 

I'd love it if you could check it out. :3  Please?  For me?  I'll be your best friend...